Adulting is hard. I didn’t sign up for this. The END.
Just kidding. But for real, I don’t want to pay the taxes and rent and grocery shop (that’s a lie, I actually love grocery shopping). But you get the point — all the other things.
I feel like they ask too much of us when we’re born — like, they should really give us a warning before we decide we want to come into this life... something like, “DO YOU ENJOY STARING AT A COMPUTER SCREEN FOR HOURS AT A TIME AND, IN THE LITTLE FREE TIME YOU HAVE LEFT, PAYING YOUR TAXES AND ATTENDING UNNECESSARY MEETINGS?”
Why did we decide to spend our lives this way? Why has our society prioritized money over freedom? Money over living our lives?
Part of me wants to drop out of society and live in the woods. The other part of me wants to drop out of society and live in the woods.
It seems like, the more we accomplish, it’s just never enough. There’s always more to be said, more to be done. It will not end.
Who ever said that our brains were the most important commodities anyway? Why can’t we live more in our bodies, instead of slowly dying of excess stress, depression, and physical illness?
Why can’t we live in a world that values and prioritizes simplicity and freedom?
Why can’t I value those things?
I don’t know the answer — but I do know that my soul doesn’t give a fuck about all of societies rules and structures, and that it thrives in states where it can be free. As I take a closer look at society and what it feeds us, I slowly, slowly decide to turn my back on it and walk away. I decide instead to come home to myself.