Being connected to my body is not about how it looks, it’s about how it feels.
What would it feel like, to be completely connected to my body?
I think about this for a little while, realizing that, only recently did I begin to understand what this meant.
If I felt completely connected to my body, my body would feel everything my mind thinks, and vice versa.
Ding, ding, ding.
I’m not sure why, but when I thought about this, a light bulb went off in my head.
My body would respond, exactly, to everything I’m thinking, hearing, and feeling.
All. The. Time.
It would be signaling to me, constantly, when things are off or not ok, or when something’s wrong.
My body and mind would be working together in union — like a goalie and a defender (lol, sorry, that is the only thing I could come up with right now)
…It’s almost like they are meant to be on the same team. (OK, I’ll stop with the metaphors now).
But really, when I smile now, I can feel body react, and change in shape. And when I frown, my body feels the sadness, too.
Being connected to my body just means recognizing that my body feels everything my mind does. It doesn’t turn, or run, or hide away in a corner when hard feelings come up. No, it supports me. Loves me. Is there for me.
My body and my mind have been at war for some time now, but I can finally say that we’re starting to get to know each other —a little bit at a time.