I am so, so proud of you. You did what not many people in the world can say they did. You worked through and passed your perceptions of self. You became you, fully. You expressed yourself and loved more than you could have imagined was possible. You loved so much it hurt. You worried less about what others thought of you and more about what you thought of yourself. You took care of you. You took care of your loved ones — your children, your partner, your house. You cared for a lot of people. You shared your wealth. You settled in. You made a home. And you came home, to you. You honored yourself. You made and kept commitments. You worked hard at your job, and kept your head down. You were a good friend and family member. You left your soul out on the table. You shared everything about you and your journey, so that you could benefit all those around you. You sacrificed yourself for the benefit of all. You learned, grew, and challenged yourself. You adapted, adjusted, and were resilient through it all. You took yourself less seriously. You had fun. You played around. You were light. You were laughter. You were sunshine in human form. You were marvelous. Adventurous. Spontaneous. Lovely.
You were the light I needed way back then.
Thank you. Thank you for being you.