What does liberation mean?
To me, it means abundant, expansive, and free. It means breathing a little deeper and settling into the moment a little more. It means feeling joy.
Does _________ liberate you?
*Sub* a person, an activity, a job, a company, a book, a class, a vacation, etc.
Do the things I do and the people I see on a daily basis feel liberating to me, or do they feel constricting? That feels like the only question I ever need to ask myself, ever.
Liberation is the only thing that matters because, if I’m not trying to get free, then what the hell am I doing?
A lot of times deciding whether or not something feels liberating, is much easier than deciding if it feels “right”. Sometimes I believe that something is truly “right” for me, when really, it’s just an old, conditioned habit. It’s familiar, but not necessarily freeing.
Liberation writes its own story.
Liberation doesn’t give a fuck about conditioned patterns, upbringings or should or shouldn't.
I ask myself what feels liberating because it speaks directly to my soul.
For once, my soul has a chance to respond. It allows me to bring my inner world to the surface, immediately.
Liberation is the key to me feeling joyful, expansive, and abundant, all the time. Regardless of what happens in the outside world, I know, at least, that I am staying true to my deepest yearnings, and my deepest desires. And that’s really all I ask can for.
What does liberation mean to you?
How, when, and with whom do you feel most liberated?