Experiencing life without labels — “good” “bad” “pretty” “ugly” — is what I imagine it might be like living in this world as another species: an endless, thoughtless, curious, moment of both observation and awe.
Another species would look at the world for how it is, rather than using the world as a tool to confirm or deny the thoughts in their mind.
Another species wouldn’t interpret, evaluate, or analyze their experience in the same way humans do. They would move through the world feeling, seeing, and noticing it for what it truly is — infinite and expansive.
The less I find myself grabbing onto a particular experience, thought or feeling, the more I’m able to let go of “me and my” and remain open to experiencing the universe in its truest form — omnipresent love and light.
It in within this form of being that I can lose myself to the moment — not worried about what will happen next, or what has happened in the past.
I can be so immersed in the moment that I’m like a pinch of salt that dissolves as soon as it hits the water — immersed and connected. I strive for this state of being, this state of living, and this state of relating to the world as a human being: both conscious and connected.
Without labels, life comes alive. Fruit gets juicier. Grass gets greener. People get brighter. Things and experiences sharpen.
A mind that is less bogged down with labels and attachments is better equipped to experience life in its truest form.