What would happen if you could see everything as love?
Take a moment and experiment.
Look at the tables, chairs, blankets, plants, even the pictures in your room — see them as love.
Imagine you are in a serious relationship with these things. That you deeply care, respect, and nurture them.
Imagine that they care, respect, and nurture you, too.
Imagine the pillow on your bed, the one you take for granted each and every night, working so tirelessly to support you, to give you what you need to feel safe, loved, and energized.
What happened when you did this? What happened to your mind and body?
I started to make a habit of this myself. To see everything, especially the “mundane” things, as love.
When I do this, when I actually practice it, I am no longer just a person experiencing life, experiencing the thing. I’m actually in a committed, loving relationship. With all of the things, all of the time. It’s a two way street — both sides giving, supporting, and loving each other just the same.
I am in a committed relationship with life.