I used to believe the phrase ‘everything happens for a reason’. It was such a pleasant way to look at life — I could put my trust something other than in myself. It was liberating. I got job offers that to me, seemed to come out of no where at exactly the right time. I decided to take those jobs offer, because, well, I couldn’t not — the universe was putting right in front of me!
Luckily, they worked out and maybe, there is something to that, but in believing that phrase whole heartedly, I gave my power away to something other than myself. And even more than that, I wasn’t taking responsibility for my own actions. I was spiritually bypassing — letting ‘whatever was supposed to happen, happen’.
What I needed was to be grounded. I needed to center myself, before letting whatever come to me, consume me. I needed to bring myself to a place of steadiness, rather than look around for answers.
In doing this, I was able to decide for myself what I wanted and what I didn’t, and take full responsibility over those decisions.
I’ve found that it was really easy to lend my power over to someone else, but really hard to take it back — it overwhelmed me with responsibility. And, at the same time, it’s extremely freeing to know that what I do is because I want to, and not because someone or something told me to.