Present Moment Awareness
I don’t really know what to write other than to say that this is truly the first time I’ve written while actually IN my body. Truly. Ever.
It’s the first time that, while I’m writing, I’m actually looking at the page while INSIDE my body. I’m not being drawn into the page. I’m not disembodied.
It feels strange. Unusual. New. Foreign. Distant. Uncomfortable. Scary. Overwhelming. Normal.
I don’t really know what else to do or what else to say other than I know that I need to stay here and continue whatever this is.
The more I stay here, the more I feel a bit detached from the world. It’s interesting because I’m attaching MORE to my body and less from the world. I’m not really sure how this works, I’m just doing my best to stay present moment by moment.
I see differently, feel differently and speak differently from this place. I think it’s truer and more real to who I Am and what I actually feel.
I continue to stay and breathe, wishing I could have had the courage to do this sooner. To be here sooner. I’m not sure I would have been ready back then.
Going breath by breath, my awareness rests on this moment and the next.